Thanks. Can view the message now. Strangely I have OE6 on my old computer and
didn't/don't have any problem. The only difference is that my OS is Windows
98 on that computer. Haven't been able to spot anything else different. Maybe
OE7 will be the answer to all our problems.......
"Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM" wrote:
"Sarky" wrote in message
I'm using OE6 with Windows XP. Just got new computer so have a few
problems to sort out. I find that a few e-mails - from trusted sources -
blank when I download them. The e-mail address and the subject line are
there, but the main body of the e-mail is blank. I have checked that the
is not hidden by trying to highlight it. I have disabled Mcafee
When I look at the properties of the e-mail it says that the X-mailer is
lotus notes which I seem to remember reading somewhere can cause a problem
with spamkiller. If I look at the e-mail via my internet providers website
(before downloading) the text is there. Anyone any ideas on how to resolve
this? Thanks
OE has a problem with Lotus Notes. Lotus Notes uses malformed headers that
confuse OE (which is pretty simple-minded). While viewing such a message in
the Preview Pane or its own window try pressing Ctrl-F3 and see if you can
read the message.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
Answer in newsgroup. Don't send mail.