Distribution List Members Order
You can always use other methods for grouping recipients if the format of
the To: field matters to the recipients. Categories, separate Contact
subfolders and mail merges come to mind.
Russ Valentine
"Dave" wrote in message
I need it as people are complaining unfortunately.
Whilst it doesn't affect the functionality of sending the mails
it affects the look of the thing, it looks like someone has been forgotten
and added later etc.
But if there is nothing that can be done, at least I know.
Many thanks
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
You have no control over this. Not sure why you need it.
Russ Valentine
"Dave" wrote in message
I am having a problem with distribution lists, it doesn't matter if it
global list or a personal list, the problem is the same.
When the distribution list is edited, all of the names are in
order as expected, however, when the email is sent, it places the very
person alphabetically from the list at the top, followed by the rest in
Alphabetical order.
ie the distribution list (when edited) shows the following :-
Apple, Anne
Banana, Boris
Carrot, Chris
Date, David
Which is correct - But when you send to this distribution list you get
following :-
To: Date, David; Apple, Anne; Banana, Boris; Carrot, Chris
It does this for each distribution list added to the mail
Is there anything I can do to avoid this? I am running Outlook 2002
Many thanks