Not able to search public contacts (outlook/Exchange 2k3)
I also have precisely this problem, after a restore of the whole public
information store using Backup Exec 8.6. One of you perhaps found a
solution yet?
Kind regards,
Frank schreef:
I have the same problem. When I copy the contacts (~6000) to a Folder in my
Mailbox, the simple Search works, but copying them to another public Folder
the search gives no results. The same happens when using export/import to a
.pst-File. When exporting as .txt and then importing in a public folder the
simple search works ok, but doing it this way is no Option because a lot of
Information like Attachments is lost.
"willitsme" wrote:
A public contact folder was deleted and restored. Now the outlook 2k3 users
are not able to perform simple searches to find a contact. Every search comes
back empty, unless an advanced search is performed using a specific data