Install MSDE hang-ups
Hi y'all. I am running XP pro, SP2 - Outlook 2003 w/ plenty Ram and space.
Downloaded install file for BCMv2 which installed ok but hung up about 60%
through set-up of SQL so no server to create dbase. Subsequent attempts
failed including many of the 'fixes' I found here. I downloaded the
standalone SQL, figured out SAPWD, deleted folders, uninstalled, tried in
Safe mode, opened ports, checked settings like File/Print sharing and
firewall. Nothing. Keeps hanging at about the same spot. created log to look
for 'cause' but nothing is obvious. Several early references to "skipping
action." In the middle there is "DetectInstanceClash" but there are no other
instances in services or registry I can find. And no "Return Value 3".
The last lines of the log a
Starting custom action InstallSqlRedis
Executing "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\sqlredis.exe
Then all is quiet.
Once it hangs (typically with "9 seconds" or so remaining) I have to hard
quit it out and stop the process 'slqredis' in order to try again.
Been several hours and many attempts and I am bleary eyed. I appreciate all
those who've gone before and helped out, usually my fix is the same as
somebody else's, but this one seems different. Hope somebody has some light
to shine....thanks