Export/Import addressbook
Bill wrote:
Because I couldn't seem to copy the "Contact" folder
from one user to the other via the method you suggested, I
instead copied the PST file from user 1's to user 2's using
copy/paste in Windows Explorer. That essentially replaced
the export/import operation of yesterday.
You can damage your mail profile that way. Never overwrite one PST with
anther of the same name.
The only remaining item that mystifies me is the seemingly
automatic creation of four references to the data source
for the user's addressbook via the addressbook icon
on the toolbar. The first of the four is entitled "Outlook
Addressbook" and the remaining three are all entitled
"Contacts". The first two of the three "Contacts" are
invalid, while the 3rd is valid and I set it to the default
so the user would get the correct view when clicking
on the icon.
I attempted to delete/remove the invalid references,
but they returned upon a 2nd look. The reference to
the "Outlook Addressbook" simply displays an empty
addressbook, i.e., not a view based on the Contacts
Click ToolsE-mail AccountsView or change existing directories or address
booksNext. Select Outlook Address Book and click Change. Remove the
invalid references there.
Brian Tillman