Am Tue, 31 Oct 2006 07:53:01 -0800 schrieb Catalin:
For the path you can get each itemīs Parent.FolderPath property, whcih
returns the folderīs path. That result starts with two back slashes, strip
out th efirst one with:
Dim Path as string
Dim Item as Outlook.MailItem
... getting the item
Path=Mid$(Path, 2)
For creating the path you can add a reference (Tools/References) to the
Microsoft Scripting Runtime, then use its FileSystemObject.CreateFolder
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
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Hello everybody,
I run OL2003, I have 3 POP3 email accounts with 3 .pst files one for each
Please help me with the following problem: I would like to save the
and with the path from the .pst files. For example:
the message - Work2006\Inbox\Sales\offer123 which is stored inside the
Work2006.pst to be able to save it (including the path) to My Documents
folder like ..... My documentsWork2006\Inbox\Sales\offer123.msg.
Pls keep in mind that the folders does not exist inside My Documents and
should be created by VBA.
I have tried something but I have difficulties getting the folders and
subfolders of the .pst file.
There is another problem I have faced when I tried to save the messages:
When encounter a report (read receipt) object (not a mail object)
it saves it and sometimes no. I do not understand why ...
A helping hand will be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance.