You can't change the icon directly. The icon comes from the MessageClass property of the item, which tells the item which form to use. Have you checked the value of MessageClass on some actual items?
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
wrote in message
We've created a custom contact form, it basically adds a new tab and
some new fields we use for sorting....the custom contacts reside in a
public folder. (we're using Outlook 2000/2003, Exchange 2003).
Secretaries will use a card scanner to scan in new contacts which then
reside in a local folder.
We want to then place those scanned in contacts into the Public folder
but convert them to use our custom form.
I wrote a macro that does exactly that and it works fine. BUT it
doesn't change the icon, it still shows as the regular Contact icon
instead of the Post icon.
So what? Well quite often our sales guys will just drag some of their
contacts into the Public folder. By sorting on the icon we can quickly
determine which contacts are not using the custom form.
So how (using vbscript) can I programmatically change the icon?