E-mail Preview Programs
bkaras wrote:
I use two e-mail preview programs - they both are not 100% accurate
although they used to be. I receive ± 100 messages per day. (I've
been using PCs since the early '90s and was not careful at first
'cause I didn't know better.) Luckily, the preview programs make it
easy to delete junk.
Let's say a preview program indicates that I have 60 e-mail messages.
I delete 50 of them, leaving me 10 messages. Then I download the
remaining messages in Outlook - Outlook downloads 13 e-mail messages.
(The reason why I use two preview programs is that I should to use
two to check each other - and I get the discrepancy with both
Outlook will download as many messages as the POP server tells it exist in
the mailbox. If it's downloading 13 messages, then the server must be
telling it there are 13 messages and it also must be sending 13 messages.
Are any of them duplicates of other messages? It's also possible that three
additional messages arrrived between the time you reviewed them with the
previewer and the time you clicked Send/Receive in Outlook.
Brian Tillman