Combine & Decode Problems ... IE7, Outlook Express 6 ...
Good Evening ...
I hope all is well in your domain.
I have Windows XP2, latest patch level, IE7 as of 1 week and Outlook Express
6. Before IE7 the following problem did not exist.
I use Outlook for Newsgroup file capturing and all has gone well until
1. I obtain files from a newsgroup, in 'yenc' format.
2. I copy those files to a separate folder in Outlook
3. I then mark off a selection of the copied files, and select Combine and
Decode from 'Message' in the tool bar
4. When things go right I would save the combined and decoded information
as 'email' and later decode it with 'Yenc32'
5. Lately, I do not get the chance to save the file, as 'searching message
for hyperlinks' appears and sucks up all my computer resources. I am not
able to save the file and, many times must invoke ... Ctrl-Alt-Delete to
get out of Outlook Express.
6. I have scanned for MalWare, Virii, defragged, cleaned up my disk, and
more ... no luck.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
I will heed your instructions.
Thank you.
Jim Hughes