Combine & Decode Problems ... IE7, Outlook Express 6 ...
Do you happen to remove old messages after reading and decodingor leave them
in OE?
What sizes are the DBX files for those newsgroups? Might have to delete some
old messages then back up the message store then do a File \ Compact All.
(Note the backup first).
"Jim Hughes" wrote in message
. ..
Good Evening ...
I hope all is well in your domain.
I have Windows XP2, latest patch level, IE7 as of 1 week and Outlook
Express 6. Before IE7 the following problem did not exist.
I use Outlook for Newsgroup file capturing and all has gone well until
1. I obtain files from a newsgroup, in 'yenc' format.
2. I copy those files to a separate folder in Outlook
3. I then mark off a selection of the copied files, and select Combine
and Decode from 'Message' in the tool bar
4. When things go right I would save the combined and decoded information
as 'email' and later decode it with 'Yenc32'
5. Lately, I do not get the chance to save the file, as 'searching
message for hyperlinks' appears and sucks up all my computer resources. I
am not able to save the file and, many times must invoke ...
Ctrl-Alt-Delete to get out of Outlook Express.
6. I have scanned for MalWare, Virii, defragged, cleaned up my disk, and
more ... no luck.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
I will heed your instructions.
Thank you.
Jim Hughes