Asked/Answered in OE General. If you must make identical posts to multiple
newsgroups, please cross-post one (1) message to all of them. Thank you.
Multiposting vs Crossposting:
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
Jack Gillis wrote:
I recently set up a additional identity under OE6 and XP SP2. The
identity has an email account plus 3 news accounts, each with several NG
subscritions. The new on has only an email account. My store folder is
on D:
When I switch from the original to the new identity and back to the
original, all subscriptions in the original dissappear. The accounts are
still there but there is nothing in them.
What do I need to do to be able to switch back and forth between
and not tloose the newsgroup subscritptions in the original identity?
Thank you