Newbie Needs Help with OE
Użytkownik "Laboadicea" napisał w
wiadomości ...
I thought that I had posted this question earlier today, but I cannot find
it, so please excuse me if I am being repetitive.
Last night I attempted to send a photo to a friend and realized suddenly
that I had accidentally attatched the entire folder in which the phtograph
was located. The folder is quite large, so I immediately cancelled the
message. I forgot that the message would then be stored in my Outbox,
more importantly, forgot that OE was set up to send messages from the
immediately upon being opened. The size of this file crashes OE and
up my entire computer each time that I attempt to launch OE. I have
about changing the OE settings so that it does not automatically send
messages in the Outbox upon being launched, but paradoxically, I cannot
a way to do so without launching OE.
I thank you for any help that you can give me. I have been 24 hours
my e-mail.