"cbcrocker" wrote in message
I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound obtuse but when you state to delete the
account are you referring to the primary account or just the one associated
with that particular identity?
I mean the mail or news account that is not working properly, shown under
Tools|Accounts. If it continues to fail after recreating the account, then it
is time to try a new Identity (on the File menu).
You also stated that the WPSS is locatetd in
the registry; as I'm not opposed to tweaking the registry a smidge where
might it be found?
Passwords are *encoded* in the registry. It's not something that you can tweak
manually. You can view protected storage entries using something like this:
For more on OE's file and registry structure, see
http://www.insideoe.com/files/ .
Tom Koch, former MVP for IE/Outlook Express 1997-2005
Awareness is free.