In article ,
=?Utf-8?B?U2ViYXN0aWFuIEdpbmd0ZXI=?= wrote:
Now I should write a data source that brings this contatcs from the database
into outlook (like the personal address book).
I never developed an office extension so I absolutely have no idea where to
look first.
You do not really want to bring them into a personal address book. You want to
bring them into a contacts folder. The "address book" that you see in Outlook
is a "view" of a contact folder.
I presume that you have fields in your database that do not match up with
Outlook fields. In that case you will want to display them in a custom form.
You cannot use the Outlook import wizards to import data to a custom contact
form. However, you can use code (vbscript) behind an "Action Item" to do this.
(An "Action Item" is a custom form that is used to run code behind a command
button, but you can name it so it is displayed as the first item in the folder
list.) Go to and search for an example of importing
contact data into a custom form, and also for setting that custom form to be
the default form for that folder.
Hollis Paul
Mukilteo, WA USA