How can I email directly from the Contact's Page in Outlook?
Actually it is possible. I just figured it out. On the contact's page hold
mouse arrow over the email address and a gray circle appears to the left. If
you left click on it you get several options, one of which is "send email."
This may be a function of MS Outlook or it could be a function of an add-in
feature I use called PLAXO.
"Dan Schlicht" wrote:
I am not certain of a way to simply click the email address and have outlook
open a new email with that contact populated in the to: field. it is
certainly possible to right click and click a new message to that contact.
Dan Schlicht
Microsoft Gold Partner / MBS Partner - Great Plains / Small Business
Platinum Systems, Inc.
Kenosha, WI
"PaulS" wrote:
After searching for a contact in "Contacts" I would like to be able to click
on the email adress to send the person an email. How can I do this? I have
Outlook 2003.