I don't know what Alt+BS does, but it doesn't do what Ctrl+BS does
(universally, which is delete the word preceding the caret). I just tried
putting junk in an e-mail and putting the caret in the middle and hit Alt+BS
and it seemed to do an undo or something, as the caret found itself at the
end of the text.
"Patrick Schmid [MVP]" wrote in message
I looked at the keyboard shortcuts for Outlook 2007, and it lists
ALT+Backspace. Have you tried that?
Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues: http://pschmid.net/blog/2006/11/13/80
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/customize
OneNote 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/onenote
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog: http://pschmid.net/blog/feed
"Jon Davis" wrote in message
I noticed this in the beta release but shrugged it off as a beta bug. I
now that I should have reported it as a bug because it seems to have been
rolled out in the RTM release.
I have gotten into the habit of hitting Ctrl+Backspace to undo entire
of recently typed text. This is a great time saver. Unfortunately, in
Outlook 2007, I am seeing the e-mail editor spit out squares (i.e.
Unicode character blocks). It's erratic; I can hold Ctrl down and keep
hitting Backspace and it might create two squares, maybe five squares,
one, before it will finally "catch on" and start deleting words (squares
first) preceding the caret.
This is a nuisance and being as I have to deal with it in pretty much
e-mail I send it is most certainly not acceptable as quality assured for
being a gold release.