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Old November 14th 06, 09:55 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_vba
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default Search Folders and VBA

Sample CDO function I found that searches for folder by name:

Public Function GetFolderByName( _
ByVal CdoSession As MAPI.Session, _
ByVal strFolderName As String, _
Optional ByVal CdoFolderParent As MAPI.Folder = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal bCreate As Boolean = True _
) As MAPI.Folder

Dim CdoInfoStore As MAPI.InfoStore
Dim CdoFolderRoot As MAPI.Folder
Dim CdoFolders As MAPI.Folders
Dim CdoFolder As MAPI.Folder
Dim bFound As Boolean

' If the parent folder wasn't passed in, then use the root
' folder of the default InfoStore.

If CdoFolderParent Is Nothing Then
' Get the Folders collection from the default InfoStore.
Set CdoInfoStore = CdoSession.GetInfoStore
Set CdoFolderRoot = CdoInfoStore.RootFolder
Set CdoFolders = CdoFolderRoot.Folders
' Get the Folders collection from the parent folder.
Set CdoFolders = CdoFolderParent.Folders
End If

' Loop through the folders in the collection until the
' desired folder is found.
bFound = False
Set CdoFolder = CdoFolders.GetFirst
Do While (Not bFound) And Not (CdoFolder Is Nothing)
If CdoFolder.Name = strFolderName Then
bFound = True
Set CdoFolder = CdoFolders.GetNext
End If

' If not found, then create it (if caller said to).
If (CdoFolder Is Nothing) And bCreate Then
Set CdoFolder = CdoFolders.Add(strFolderName)
End If

Set GetFolderByName = CdoFolder

' Release our local objects.
Set CdoFolder = Nothing
Set CdoFolders = Nothing
Set CdoFolderRoot = Nothing
Set CdoInfoStore = Nothing

End Function ' GetFolderByName

Does not show Hidden Folders!!
