changing email accounts
I have changed everything, even deleted his account and put all of my info in
there. It has my name, user id, password, etc. But when I do a test email
or test connection (can't remember what it's called), it is unsuccessful --
can't recognize POP3 and SMTP servers. The servers haven't changed (we both
have AT&T email accounts) and I even called AT&T to re-verify them.
"Brian Tillman" wrote:
April wrote:
I am taking over our home PC's Outlook. My husband was using it
previously. I have selected ToolsEmail accountsView or Change
Existing E-mail AccountsChange and have updated all of my info. For
some reason, his email continues to be loaded into Outlook. Any
suggestions as to what I could be doing incorrectly?
You haven't changed enough of the information in the account if you're still
accessing his mailbox. In particular, the username and password should be
different for a different mailbox.
Brian Tillman