Import PST File error
oldmac2006 wrote:
G'day All, I have saved a outlook.pst file from one HDD to another
HDD. When I try to import it back into Outlook it gives first this
error: "Properties for this information service must be defined prior
to use" you can Click OK or Cancel. if you click OK another error
pops up: "Outlook.pst is not compatible with this verson of the
personal folders information".
I have done this task many times before but this is the second time in
week that this error has occurred on two different machines. The first
one was when I burnt the File to a Data DVD along with other files. I
assumed the burn had corrupted the File.
Running Outlook2000 on all machines.
Never export to or import from a PST. You lose information that way.
This puzzles me. The message you state you see is exactly the message you
would see if you were trying to import an Outlook 2003 (Unicode) PST into an
earlier version of Outlook. Make sure the PST is not read-only and that
SCANPST says it's OK. The use FileOpenPersonal Folders File in Outlook to
open it.
Brian Tillman