won't start at all now
It all started with trying to upgrade to pack 2, that was a disaster. I
restored back to an earlier date. It ran ok then when I tried to switch
identities it just would not work. I had to restart my computer. It started
again. I tried the create new identity and move files. didn't
work......tried switch identities now it is doing the same thing....tried to
go back and restore..now I can't restore...tried to start OE now it says,
"can't open unable to open outlook express message store.. out of mem or disk
full" (0x8007000e, 5) checked and have tons of storage. I hit "OK" then
next message that comes up says "...because MSOE.DLL oculd not be initialized
OE not installed correctly.
help anyone, I can read my mail by going to my providers web page, but I
don't know how to get to my old mail and my folders. Can I re-install OE
without losing all of my folders and old emails....I am running my businesses
off of these.....help