Yes I knew that; I don't see any catogory or listing for office or outlook;
can you direct me?
"Galen" wrote:
In ,
firewire had this to say:
My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
I've attempted to make Outlook Today my default page when I
open/start Outlook. I went to the Outlook Today Page and selected
"customize outlook today" then selected the option : when starting
go directly to outlook today" and then selected "save changes" but
when I open Outlook it goes directly to the inbox page. Is there
another selection/default that has to be changed? Has anyone had
this same problem and fixed it? Thanks for your help
You probably want an Outlook or Office group - this is Outlook Express which
is quite different.
Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)
"Chance has put in our way a most singular and whimsical problem, and
its solution is its own reward." - Sherlock Holmes