Hi Pascal,
you could "share" the PST file on a Server without Exchange with 3rd Party
Our sharing solution (Public ShareFolder) donīt use a "server" PST
connection, we use a local connection to a PST file with an "Outlook as
Our Software makes the network connection (like Exchange) and the Outlook on
the server is connected with the PST files you want to share/synchronize.
You could create for every user a PST file on the Server, add this PST
files in Outlook (max. 128 PST file) and then you can make (with the client
part of the software) the connection to this PST files.
Now you can synchronize this PSTs between the server and the clients. Once
again, this is not a network connection to a PST file.
We have a customer with 80 users and 128 Unicode PST files (1400GB) as
shared PST files, so it works.
We work since 6 years with the same PST files (stored on a server) and
didnīt get any problems.
This is one idea, it may help.
Oliver Vukovics
Share Outlook without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
Synchronisation for Notebooks: Public SyncTool
"Pascal Dorion" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
How can I configure Outlook and Windows so that users have their PST files
on the Server. We use POP3 only. The idea is that laptop users get their
PST "offline" too and then syncronize when back on the LAN.
Any ideas?