Problem connecting to newsgroups
"Kate" wrote in message
When I access OE, the first time I click any newsgroup I subscribe to,
I get the following message :
"Would you like to go offline?
No connection to the Internet is currently available.
To view Internet content that has been saved on your computer, click
Work Offline. Click Try Again to attempt to connect."
If I click Try Again, I get through and can change to other newsgroups
without a problem. I know that I am online, as I can send and receive
emails and connect to Internet Explorer. If I close OE and then open
it again almost immediately, the message doesn`t appear, but if I
don`t open OE again for a while, back it comes again.
The problem is usually that although the hardware makes it appear
that you have an "always on" connection to the Internet, if your link protocol
is PPPoE in fact you have exactly the same state transitions that a dial-up
user who has Never dial... specified in his Connections tab. In a dial-up
scenario the message gives the user the chance to dial manually before
clicking Retry. In the PPPoE scenario the retry may occur automatically
but the message still has to be cleared manually. If you find this happening
often I would guess that the link timeout is too short; you could try using
your modem/router maintenance panel to adjust that or ask your ISP for
BTW this probably isn't the best newsgroup for diagnosing this symptom.
E.g. perhaps you should try XP Networking instead. Or, if your ISP
has its own private newsgroups, you could probably find others there
who see the same symptoms and collaborate with them.
Good luck
Robert Aldwinckle
The same thing happened last year and I was given lots of advice by
this NG. Fortunately, I saved the whole thread and was able to try
the various suggestions, like checking Registry to see if both
"LoadSens" and "LoadLCE" are set to auto, which they are. I made sure
that the news accounts are set to use any available connection and I
changed the Auto setting in DNS Client to Manual and stopped the
service, but that didn`t work either.
I have been trying to trace exactly when the problem first arose, and
it could have been after I cancelled a message on a news server,
although that may be a coincidence. However, I unsubscribed to all
the newsgroups listed, confirmed that their .dbx files had been
removed, and then re-subscribed, just in case, but I still get this
most irritating message. I am now out of ideas, and hope that someone
can tell me what has gone wrong, and how to correct it, please.
Incidentally, I have an ADSL router, Windows XP Home, and I regularly
download Windows Updates.
Many thanks