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Old November 28th 06, 01:45 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 635
Default Unable to block a specific troll

"jkien" wrote in message
I am using OE6 as a news reader. I am trying to block news from a few
trolls, which is successful for most of them, but somehow I don't
succeed in blocking one of them. I am able to remove his previous
messages (by Message/Block Sender), and I can see that his mail address
is in the blocked senders list, but his new posts keep appearing. Do I
miss something?

Use message rules instead?
select one of the trolls messagesmessage menucreate rule from message2nd
boxdelete it & stop processing rulesname the rule, then when they change
their address again, repeat the process, as you do now with block sender:-)
Best way is to delete them straight off.

Regards Steve.
