"Kai Schaetzl" wrote in message
Kate schrieb am Thu, 30 Nov 2006 18:38:57 -0000:
It is perhaps a bit drastic, but would re-installing Outlook
and/or IE6 be worth a try, do you think? If so, how would I go
it, please?
No, there is nothing wrong it seems, apart from you having problems
connecting to newsgroups. You should carry this problem to the OE6
newsgroup. They will ask you some diagnostic questions then I guess.
don't seem to have a problem connecting now.
Helpsites about Windows: http://www.mvps.org
IE repair script: http://iefaq.info
Sorry, Kai, but I tried the OE6 NG first and they cannot help any
more. There, I listed all the things I have tried - which are
numerous. Contributors to ms.p.network-web and
internetexplorer.general will also be familiar with my problem, I
Briefly, I get the message that no connection to the internet is
available, but when I click "Retry", I get connected - hence my
ability to post. It is not a major problem, I know, but inconvenient
and - as Michael Jennings will no doubt agree - most irritating, and
an indication that something is wrong that needs putting right.
Thank you again for responding.