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Old November 30th 06, 11:38 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 127
Default Log-On / Authorizing problem


Hello All,

(I had orignally posted this in the wrong forum, and I believe this would be
the correct one, sorry for the double post..............)

I'm encountering an annoying issue that just started happening with the
transition of my internet provider changing from Comcast to TimeWarner.

Whenever I open Outlook Express, enter my passoword, and press enter, it
frequently kicks back the (user name/password box), as if it didn't read the
password properly, even though I entered it correctly.

Then, it says "authorizing" in the lower right-hand corner of the Outlook
Express window, and just sits there doing nothing, saying "authorizing". I
then have to press enter several times, hit stop sending, then enter, then
stop, then
enter, then stop, all the while it says "authorizing". Finally I get lucky
and it will send/recieve.

I called my Internet Provider (Time Warner now) and they said it's an issue
with Outlook Express, not with them. I thought since it keeps saying
"authorizing" it was an ISP issue, they say "nope", its an Outlook Express

This just started happening after Comcast was bought out by TimeWarner, and
I had to reconfigure my OE account properties to match TimeWarner's info
POP/SMTP etc etc......

This issues occurs about every three of four attempts when I log-on to
Outlook Express. The one out of four times, everything goes through as it's
supposed to after I enter my password.

It's a pain, and I know it's not supposed be this way.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for the support,

11/30/06 at 2:36pm PST
