Cannot read e-mails with OE6
Cancel this request. It apparently is a problem with yahoo. I forwarded
mail from that account to another one I don't normally uses and all seems
fine. I apologize if anyone spent any time thinking about this.
"Jim Terry" wrote in message
I have WINXP SP2, latest builds using POP3. I don't know if it caused
the problem but I just downloaded IE7 about 3 days ago. Not long after
that, I find I can send with OE, but can't receive anything. I use yahoo
as my e-mail server. I know I can send mail via OE, since I can read it
by using their web site. I get this error when I hit send/receive all (or
just select the yahoo account):
An unknown error has occurred. Account: ', Server:
'', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error
Number: 0x80004005.
It just started happening early yesterday morning. I don't think I did
anything to cause it. I have the pc set up to do automatic updates. I
wonder if that isn't when the problem began.
I hope I gave enough information here?
Thanks very much in advance for any help!!!