Word as my email editor
Brian Tillman wrote:
d.hoffman wrote:
I have installed my old version Mcrosoft Office 2000 on my new
computer, but my computor also came with a free trial for Microsoft
Office 2003 which i have not activated. Under tools in my microsoft
Outllook 2000 I have clicked on use Word as my email editor. However,
when ever I open a new message I receive the message: "This form
requires Word as your email editor, but Word is either busy or canot
be found." I am perfectly happy with Microft Office 2000 an I don't
want to upgrade to Office 2003. How can I resolve this so I can use
Word as my email editor. Thanks DH
Did you uninstall Office 2003 first?
Brian Tillman
No I did not uninstall Office 2003 - Actually I never activated it. Can
I uninstall it now without also uninstalling Office 2000. I have a lot
of time invested in transfering files and contacts into Outlook 2000
and I would hate to have to start over. Thanks for offerring your help
Brian. DH