Using Item.Send to e-mail from Access through Outlook 2003 with multiple recipients
Greetings all,
I have created a form in Access 2003 that uses Outlook 2003 to e-mail a
report to about 20 of my employees. It works fine with the exception that
it pauses and prompts me to click "Yes" or "No" for each recipient, and it
delays for 5 seconds between each confirmation. I know this is some
anti-Spamming feature that Outlook has, but I imagine that there has to be a
way for me to send this report without having to sit there and click "Yes"
every 5 seconds. Here is the help text for the error:
A program is trying to send mail using Item.Send
A program is trying to automatically send an e-mail message using a
Microsoft Visual Basic Application (VBA) command, Item.Send, from within
Microsoft Outlook. If you want this program to send this message, click Yes.
To stop the program, click No. If you are unsure which program is sending
the message or why the message is being sent, you should click No to help
avoid the possible spread of viruses.
Note When this message is displayed, the Yes button is not available for
five seconds
I appreceate any and all help.