How can I sort the news threads in OE, based on their "LastAnswer-date"?
This one came through with the correct time. It may have been a temporary
sync issue between your ISP and the MS news server.
I did notice yesterday you made a reply to a previous thread around the same
time, and that time stamp was OK.
Just one of those things, I guess.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"Javad" wrote in message
You are right, there must be something wrong, but I don't know what it is.
What I see in my OE is attached.
The time, and time-zone of my computer are correct. If yours are also both
correct, there must be a problem with the "OE" or "WLMD" or "Microsoft's
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
See the attached:
Your original post was 12/02/06 - 7:18PM
My reply, which was only a few minutes after it arrived, was 12/03/06 -
This post by you is dated 12/03/06 - 11:40AM
It showed up just a few minutes ago, about 6:00PM
There is definitely something wrong here. You're GMT+3½ hours. I am
Regardless, what shows on my news server should show the correct adjusted
time. Does my time show correctly in your server?
Maybe it has something to do with WLMD Beta which you are using to post?
don't know.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"Javad" wrote in message
Thank you Bruce
And unless this post has been in your Outbox for 16 hours, check your
clock's Date, Time, and Time Zone settings.
My date, time, and time-zone are correct, and I see no problem in the
"Sent Time" of my message, and it hasn't been in my Outbox more than 16
hours (maybe only 3 or 4 hours it has been there). I don't know what
problem are you pointing at. Maybe your computer is showing the
"Sent-time" of my messages according to the time-zone of my computer.
Isn't it the case?
Good Luck
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
Can't do it. Sorry.
And unless this post has been in your Outbox for 16 hours, check your
clock's Date, Time, and Time Zone settings.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"Javad" wrote in message
As you know, the news messages in OE, (If sorted by date) are sorted
"Sent" date of the first message of each thread. but I want them to be
sorted by "sent" date of the last message of each thread. In other
words, I want the "unread" messages to be on top of other messages
(without hiding other messages) Is that possible in OE? How?
Thank you