Not being very proficient in Outlook, I'm not quite sure. I think I saw a
pst folder but am not quite sure how to access or open that folder.
I sent a request to our network technical support but have not gotten a
response yet. my experience has been that I get quicker and better responses
in this forumn. thanks
"DL" address@invalid wrote in message
I've no dealings with exchange; that said are you using a pst, on the
pc, or ost? If the latter I believe there would be a backup on the server,
if pst, are there any other pst's on the local pc
(pst & ost being the OL data file)
"Richard Mahan" wrote in message
. ..
I checked and I don't see that the view menu is set to "unread messages"
where do these emails go when they disappear and are they recoverable?
"Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I]" wrote in message
Views are under 'View|Current View' ('View|Arrange By|Current View' in
Outlook 2003) and if set to "Unread messages in this folder", all read
messages will "disappear".
Hal Hostetler, CPBE --
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Still Cadillacin' -
"Richard Mahan" wrote in message
. ..
In reference to your response to views, could you please give me a
more detail.
pertaining to Archives, I'm quite sure that the email was not
be automatically archived
As to the server, I am on a private network (Citrix) using the
exchange server.
"DL" address@invalid wrote in message
You might have to wait a bit longer than 5mins for a constructive
For now try these;
Have the Views been changed?
Have they been archived?
Is this a pop or exchange sys?
"Richard Mahan" wrote in message
. ..
Is there any explanation why all my mail messages in my inbox
disappeared and is there any way to recover it? I'm devasted