Hello Michael:
FYI, I found the value of Recipient.Addess to definetly to be case sensitive.
Also I used the Watch window to show me the value of the Recipient.Address
and upon copy and paste the value into code all worked fine. The data in
the caption when I looked at values in Step Mode showed all CAPS which in not
how the watch window showed the data and being case sensitive made the
"Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
Yes, you can trust the Debugger. At least I could always do that. As for
e-mail addresses: They aren't case sensitive and so your code should treat
them, you never know what a user enters. Due to that for comparing values I
always convert them with LCASE.
Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
-- www.VBOffice.net --
Am Thu, 7 Dec 2006 16:21:01 -0800 schrieb Joel:
When running through code in Step Mode when I put my cursor over a
or item property, I see a caption with the current value. Can I really
that this is the exact value (case sensistive text) that would need to be
code to match an eqaulity statement ie if I see a value of
for my If to be true I would need If reciepient.address =
The issue is the caption in Step Mode shows a value in all CAPS but the
itself is mixed upper and lower case. I know my code is case sensitive to
the "actual" email address used in the email To: field.
I would hope a way around is to set a variable for email address and LCase
the data...
Thanks for any help,