News Groups
While in News: View | Current View. Make sure Show all messages & Group
messages by conversation is checked.
Tools | Options | Read. Uncheck: Get XXX headers at a time.
Tools | Options | Maintenance | Clean Up Now. At the top, select all the
newsgroups you want to show more messages, then Reset. Open each group one
at a time and all the messages currently on the server will be downloaded
Follow up by compacting your folders.
Click on Outlook Express at the top of the folder tree so no folders are
open. Then: File | Work Offline (or double click Working Online in the
Status Bar). File | Folder | Compact all folders. Don't touch anything until
the compacting is completed.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"Keith" wrote in message
I use Outlook Express as my news reader, however it only shows the last few
days items, I have set in 'Options' to delete after 180 days, is there a
way to make OE show more than just my few days?