Problem in pasting URL from MS Word
Thanks Milly
NO THEY DO NOT. May I point that when they were in MS word they were
active, undelined and in blue color. When pasted in out look the are still
in blue and underlined but not active at all regrdless of what key I touch.
"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
If you insert your cursor just after the hyperlink and before the space and then press the spacebar, do they become active?
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
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After furious head scratching, Baha asked:
| Greetings:
| I Hope some one will answer this message. I am desparate.
| Using Outlook 2003 I often need to copy text and web links from MS
| Word Document. Some how these links do not seem to work when I paste
| them. When I try to paste the material I copied from word it gives
| me a message that “The security setting prohibits running active X.
| As a result the page may not display correctly. “
| When I changed the security setting in Outlook/ Options from
| restricted to internet, it did not give me this message but my hyper
| links still do not work.
| What con I do.
| Thanks