The message indicates that the error occurred in module unknown (YYYY).
The operating system is W98SE. And this minor glitch may be just the way the
system is supposed to respond given the input it receives. In any event, I
appreciate the time of all respondents. Thank you.
South Texas Presence
"Michael Santovec" wrote:
It's important to know the Details. When you get an "Illegal Operation"
or "encountered a problem" message, there is usually a Details button
(In WinME press Alt/D), or a "click here" link to see the error report.
When you click on the button/link, it will give a message like: XXXX
caused an error in YYYY and a bunch of register nonsense or it will list
the Appname XXXX and Modname YYYY. The XXXX and YYYY are important to
identify the cause and solution. You can ignore the rest of the
Apparently, the XXXX is MSIMN, but it would help to know the YYYY part.
Also include operating system that you are using.
Mike -
"MannyT" wrote in message
When using OE6 to check my mail, upon completion of same I am getting
message warning that " program has performed an illegal operation and
will be
shut down. If problem persists contact vendor ". Nothing ever shuts
down, I
have just closed the message and moved on. The mesage has a tag
Msimn. Can I do something to prevent this message from appearing or
forget about it?
South Texas Presence