format of mobile numbers
Not whether they're text or not, but whether you've entered your phone
numbers in correct international format, like this:
+ccc (aaa) nn...nn
where ccc is the country code, aaa is the area code and nn...nn is the
subscriber number.
Give an example of how you have entered your numbers in Outlook.
"jeep137" wrote:
I have it formatted as text but can't find a way to format the blank as
anything else.
"homeLAN" wrote:
The parentheses and dash should not be a problem for most dialers, which are
designed to ignore non-numeric characters. I suspect there is some other
issue with the way you have your phone numbers formatted. If you state how
you have your numbers formatted, with examples, there's probably a solution.
"jeep137" wrote:
I am trying to use an SMS program that will allow me to send SMS messages
from my Outlook Contacts. However, when Outlook saves a phone number, it
automatically puts parenthesis around the area code and a hyphen between the
prefix and suffix. These characters are not read by the SMS plugin and
causes the numbers to be invalid. How can I get Outlook to save the numbers
just the way I type them in, I.E. 1234567890? Thanks