read page to look like compose page
In article ,
=?Utf-8?B?U3RldmUgV29yY2VzdGVy?= wrote:
I have a form I was asked to edit, don't know what it was based on.
I want the read to look exactly like the compose. I highlighted all the
labels, boxes etc and copied them from the "edit compose page" and when I
paste the to the "edit read page" I get a huge quantity of errors about can't
use this "filedname" in this item. is there an easy way to fix this?
Thanks for the understanding - Steve
Not really. You need to open another blank form in design mode, go to the forms
menu and uncheck the choice for separate compose and read page. This form will
no longer be split into compose and read pages. Now, open the bad form with all
your errors, select and copy your design from the compose page in that form, and
paste them into the new, unsplit form. Now select tools, forms, Publish As and
publish it to the Organizational Forms Library with a name of the form
MyNewForm_Ver001. When you make changes, publish again but use Ver002. Keep at
least three generations of the form, preferably in three different places, but
realize that a form can be published in only one place, or bad things happen.
Hollis Paul
Mukilteo, WA USA