- By default email addresses are generated and managed by RUS - it applies
Recipient Policies.
To modify email addresses assigned by policy, including changing the default
email address, you need to uncheck "Automatically update e-mail address
based on recipient policy" in the E-mail Addresses tab of a recipient. Then
make the change you need to.
- To change how a recipient shows up, in ADUC, select a user and press F2.
Change the name/last name as required. When you hit enter, it brings up the
Rename User dialog box. Make the necessary changes here - most likely to
last name in this case.
- If using Outlook 2003 in Cached Mode, you will either need to wait for the
Offline Address Book (OAB) to be regenerated and for Outlook to download the
OAB after this - or you can force regeneration of the OAB from ESM, and
force Outlook to download the OAB.
Bharat Suneja
MVP - Exchange
NEW blog location:
"filip" wrote in message
I have changed a recipients surename (she got married) in the active
directory, added two new adresses (with her new surename, so she can still
receive on her old surename), and set the new as default, but her data in
the global adress list (in outlook) is still old, the new adresses are
missing, it hasn't updated, what else i have to do?