Automatic Recurrence Error?
Hi Shawn, You are not alone. I have just installed Microsoft Office 2003
Basic Edition and am having the same problem. I can create an entry in the
Calendar ok but any changes to that appointment make it recur. As I use
Outlook extensively to manage my appointments this is causing me a great deal
of grief. Any suggestions or solutions will be gratefully received!
"Shawn" wrote:
I am not sure if this is a setting or just an error in Outlook. I have
Outlook 2003 Professional with Business Contact Manager. The problem I have
is when I go into an appointment that I have already made or when I dismiss
the alert that pops up for that event the appointment automatically makes it
an recurring appointment when I don't even go into the recurrence area. Has
anyone else had this problem? I've re-installed Outlook twice, I've restored
my computer to its original state twice and it still happens. HELP PLEASE!!