Reducing size of saved Inbox, Sent etc folders
As those in the know, know, OE saves messages seemingly forever even though
the INBOX, SENT, etc foldes are manually cleaned up, i.e. manually delete
unwanted OLD messages.
Meanwhile all messages (as viewed in OE's Folders panel) are still stored
away, "a forever folder", thus chewing up memory.
How does one get rid of OLD stored away stuff?
Years ago I renamed INBOX.dbx to ......txt, opened the folder and deleted
old, unwanted messages.. Now I cannot open if changed to .txt, .rtf, or
..doc. 'cause these aps apparently cannot handle the very large files. XP
gets bogged down.
Is there another way, short of dumping, completely deleting the Inbox.dbx
folder letting OE start/creat a new one?
'The Gutenberg galaxy is being eclipsed by the constellation of Marconi.