For those who followed this thread with interest:
I was told that I should not blame Microsoft for not including in their full
disclosure in their 'Help' files about how to SAFELY setup the newsreader in
THEIR product (OE) for use on THEIR public newsgroup network. To quote:
"There is absolutely no reason for Microsoft to suggest to anyone how they
should set up their Usenet account. That option is up to YOU and no one
else. It is incumbent on YOU , NOT Microsoft or
anyone else for that matter, to take the time to learn what has to be
learned before arriving on Usenet."
It was suggested to me to "do your homework". I have reviewed once again the
help files in OE, and they do NOT provide any information at all about
protecting yourself from the spam harvesters by entering a false email
address. EVEN though they know this is a persistent problem, and one of the
most common causes of spam, and the resulting security threats such as
viruses that come with it! All they would have to do is include this
'suggestion' of using a false address in their help file to put an end to a
great deal of this. This information was not provided to me until it was too
late, and only because an MVP here noticed my mistake and kindly informed
I was further told that, "There are ample sources available from which to
obtain this knowledge. If you intend using Usenet, by all means, learn how
to protect yourself." Most people would expect the instructions (help files)
in a respected software manufacturers product to contain 'safe' instructions
for the setup of that products features, but as I have noted above,such do
not exist despite the 'known' problems. The problem lies in the fact that
the 'known' problem is only common knowledge to those already using
newsgroups. As NEW users set up their newsreader accounts, they do not
necessarily know of the problem, so why would they go searching for these
"ample sources" if they don't know the problem exists in the first place.
Like myself at the time, they will find out the hard way as the spam starts
pouring in, and like myself, will be wondering why they were not warned
first, and also why the setup protocol required the input of an email
address when it is clearly not necessary to participate here.
As the person who suggested to me that it was my own fault for somehow not
intuitively knowing all this in advance, and same person could not provide
any links these 'ample sources... of knowledge", I went looking. I found
these links that provide instructions for setting up newsgroup accounts:
Checking them, you will note the first one instructs you to "enter AN email
address" and the 3rd one (from the Microsoft site) instructs you to "enter
YOUR email address" !!! NO mention is made that you do NOT "need" to enter
your ACTUAL email address, nor a suggestion to enter something false for
your own computer security, despite the fact Microsoft KNOWS of this
problem. These setup instructions deceptively suggest you enter your email
address as if it is a necessary part of the setup to use the service, when
it is NOT!!
Indeed, I did find ONE site that did provide proper setup instructions for
the newsreader at the site of an MVP
he and you
will note that he made sure this warning was clear and obvious by its
diferent coloured large red type! Kudos to him for providing full
disclosure! This MVP recognizes that people who need setup instructions also
need this warning in advance. Unfortunately, this problem is not common
knowledge among the general population, so most of us do not know to go
searching for additional setup information when there is zero indication of
this threat in the first place. There is no reason for anyone to search for
a solution (as was suggested to me) if one doesn't know there is even a
problem. Of course I know of the problem now thru learning the hard way, all
because Microsoft omitted to inform me thru the OE help files when I went
thru THEIR setup protocol to use the newsreader.
I think I have made my point now, with appropriate references to back it up.
I do truly hope this post will help at least a few people to avoid the
problems which Microsoft's negligence has caused me
"Dudley Henriques" wrote in message
I think you might be blaming the wrong people here. I respectfully suggest
that you consider doing some boning up on Usenet before blaming Microsoft
for something that is not their fault.
There is absolutely no reason why your real email address should have to
appear on a newsgroup if you don't want it to appear and more importantly
in this case, have taken the trouble before posting to take the necessary
steps to insure it doesn't appear on a forum.
The use of actual email addresses on Usenet is now and has always been an
option of individual choice. There is absolutely no reason for Microsoft
to suggest to anyone how they should set up their Usenet account. That
option is up to YOU and no one else. It is incumbent on YOU , NOT
Microsoft or anyone else for that matter, to take the time to learn what
has to be learned before arriving on Usenet.
Microsoft is not in the Usenet business. How you set up OE to handle
newsgroups is entirely your choice and your personal responsibility.
Don't blame Microsoft for your own lack of understanding. I respectfully
suggest that you do your homework concerning Usenet. There are ample
sources available from which to obtain this knowledge. If you intend using
Usenet, by all means, learn how to protect yourself.
When it comes to being on line, don't wait to get nailed, then blame
Microsoft for your troubles. Believe me, Microsoft gets blamed for enough
already without you blaming them for things over which they have no
Not meant to be a flame here....just some "friendly" advice :-)))))))))))
Dudley Henriques
"Dan" wrote in message
This is not a request for assistance, but rather a warning for newer
users here, to hopefully prevent you from the same frustrations I have
experienced as a result of using this forum.
Let me say that I have found this forum EXTREMELY helpful for solving
problems. Bruce Hagen, if he is still around, did an excellent job
assisting me. He also alerted me to the fact that my real email address
was available to all on this forum, BECAUSE MICROSOFT FAILS TO WARN &
that you should NOT, I repeat NOT, NOT, NOT enter your real email
When I set this up, it required me to enter an email address in order to
post here. Nothing warned me that my REAL address would be easily
accessible to all here, NOR did instruct me that I could enter a false
address to thwart the spammers when entering the REQUIRED email address
during sign-up!!!!
Had Microsoft offered this very simple instruction in the beginning, I am
absolutely convinced that I would have NEVER, EVER, received ANY SPAM!!!!
This is on their network afterall, and their NEGLIGENCE to provide this
security information has caused me a great deal of headache, that now
seems will NEVER go away, making me wish I had never, ever used this
newsgroup in the first place!!!
Thank you to Bruce Hagen for recognizing and informing me about this
dangerous security breach. It would have been better if Microsoft were
RESPONSIBLE enough to have given this information in the newsgroup setup
instructions and process!!!!!
The RESULT of this NEGLIGENCE on Microsoft's part is that after just a
few postings before Bruce's alert to me, I am now bombarded on this email
account daily for the last 9 MONTHS by spammers, and ONLY on this
account. I have NEVER received spam on ANY OTHER email account I have.
Many of these spams have been VIRUSES & WORMS!!!! And luckily my
Anti-Virus scanners have been able to remove them. Although I immediately
followed Bruce's intructions to change the email address displayed, it
was too late, and I don't think there is anyway for me to remove the
previous postings with the real email address. So Microsoft has left me
with breach in security which it seems I can NEVER fix, unless I CANCEL
this email account. That is really SAD!!! and worse yet, it was TOTALLY
If Microsoft were honestly SERIOUS about network security, they would
alert ALL people to this security breach before allowing them to use
these newsgroups!!
I don't even want to imagine how much worse this would be if Bruce had
not alerted me to this issue at all, but I hope this message will
possibly assist others in avoiding the headaches I have had.
And Thanks A Lot Microsoft... I thought your mission was to provide
solutions to the masses, not to cause extra problems... but what do I
know anyway.
Best of Luck to All,