I may be up too late Katie, but I'm still not sure what you mean. I have
attached a screen shot of what I am looking at in my OE. There are some
options to change the layout, but maybe you can set me straight as to what
you are asking by looking at mine.
(Hurry. I will be gone at 11 PM, PST)
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"katie" wrote in message
Sorry I did not put it down very well,I mean at the top of outlook express
right-hand corner next to headers ,when I click on that and it shows me
lots of newsgroups that I can subscribe to but as I said I would like
these deleted,I have only got 2 newsgroups that I use which are on the
folder tree..
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
I'm not sure what you are asking about the newsgroups. Top right-hand
corner of what? In OE, the only ones you should see are the ones in the
Folder Tree below the Local Folders that your are subscribed to.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"katie" wrote in message
Thank-you I will try that.While I am here I have noticed at the top
right-hand corner there is newsgroups ,when I click on that I notice
that there is about 10,000 newsgroups ,I will never be using them so do
I delete these.
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
With no error message, we can only guess. Start with these suggestions.
Turn off e-mail scanning in your anti-virus program. It is a redundant
layer of protection that eats up CPUs, slows down sending, and causes a
multitude of problems such as time-outs and account setting changes.
Your up-to-date A/V program will continue to protect you sufficiently.
For more, see:
Do not archive mail in default OE folders. They will eventually become
corrupt. Create your own user defined folders for storing mail and move
your mail to them. Empty Deleted Items folder regularly. Keep user
created folders under 100MB, and Default folders as empty as is
After you are done, follow up by compacting your folders manually while
working *offline* and do it often.
Click on Outlook Express at the top of the folder tree so no folders
are open. Then: File | Work Offline (or double click Working Online in
the Status Bar). File | Folder | Compact all folders. Don't touch
anything until the compacting is completed.
In Tools | Options | Maintenance: Uncheck Compact messages in
background and leave it unchecked. {N/A if running XP/SP2}.
And backup often.
Backup & Resto
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
"katie" wrote in message
Can anyone help me with this problem.When I open outlook express it
says receiving mail but nothing happens,I have to go to webmail to
receive them, after that I start to get my mail through outlook
express,there is no error message etc.