Thanks for your response to my posting.
I though it was Windows Messenger v Windows Live Messenger thjat were
confusing me rather than the other way round!
Will look at the tweeks and find a way to disable Windows Messenger!
A thought - I was thinking of moving from Outlook Express to Outlook is
that going to need tweeking to gat it to divorce from some long standing
connectioon to Windows messenger too!
Thanks again - Jim
"PA Bear" wrote in message
You're confusing Windows Messenger v4.7 with Windows Live Messenger v8.x.
(The last version of MSN Messenger was v7.5.)
For Messenger/Outlook Express tweaks, see
WL Messenger-specific newsgroup:
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
Jim Bunton wrote:
Outlook express v 6
on start up opens msn messenger
problem - it opens up and older version (v 4.7) than the one I wish to
i.e. window live messenger v 8
Subsequently when I open messenger using the Start Menu it opens the
OLD version!
I then have to run the install.exe (repair) to reset my version of
to v 8
NB I have the Tools Options 'Log onto messenger at start up ' in
outlook express UNTICKED