Problem Sending Email
When I send a message two things happen. First when I click the send button,I
get a window to drop down from Outlook Express with a warning yellow triangle
in the left corner. It says, "Some errors while processing the requested
tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details." The TASK tab
shows the email message with a "warnings" in the status column. There is
nothing in the ERROR tab. The message gets sent and also goes into the OUTBOX
where it is resent each time the program goes in to check for messages. The
sent message does not appear in the SENT MESSAGES folder. The only way to
stop the multiple messages from being sent is to go into the OUTBOX and
delete the message. Any ideas how to correct this? I deleted the OUTBOX from
the store folder but it did not work. I stopped scanning out going email
messages but it did not work. HELP!!!!