An SMTP mail server is for Sending, not receiving. A POP3 server is
used for Receiving.
One possible cause would be to have a Message Rules (Tools, Message
Rules, Mail) with an action of Delete from server.
You may want to try recording a pop3.log which will show more details
about incoming mail.
To create an POP3.log In OE5+, go to Tools, Options, Maintenance,
Troubleshooting and check the Mail box.
You may need to close OE after doing the send/receive for the log to get
written to disk.
The log will be in the Store Folder which is listed in Tools, Options,
Maintenance, Store Folder.
Mike -
"Sonnich Jensen" Sonnich
wrote in
message ...
I have a problem with outlook express 6, that it downloads a list of
messages on the SMTP server, then it stops as normal, but
- it does not tell how many messages there are/were
- it does not download any messages
- it deletes the messages off the server
- it does not play any sound or show any sign, that it has downloaded
- it does not show any error or anything.
Why this?
Everything else seems to work.
Would it be possible to update outlook ex by the internet, there is
"windows.update", but is there such a thing for outlook express?