how to detect if installed-outlook is configured ?
Actually i'm trying to avoid sending email process through outlook if
"outlook is installed but not CONFIGURED" !!
so exiting from the process if if found defaultProfile as nothing.
I was having OL2k3 with 2 accounts confed.
then i just removd office 2k3 and installed office 2k
now actually OL is not configured but still the Defaultvalue registry is set
to "Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings".
i havent deleted a/cs while uninstalling 2k3.
In this situation how can i detect whether OL is configured or not?
(Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(" Software\microsoft\windows
NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging
Subsystem\Profiles").GetValue("DefaultProfile") = "") Or
(Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(" Software\Microsoft\windows
NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging
Subsystem\Profiles").GetValue("DefaultProfile") = "Microsoft Outlook Internet
Settings") Then
MsgBox("Either there is no default mail client or the
current mail client cannot fulfill the messanging request.",
MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly + MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Email As Attachement")
Exit Sub
End If
Please guide me through this process/ reply if i am correct.
What else i should check ?
Thank you,