Can you connect to the SMTP server from this workstation via telnet?
Sending e-mail via Telnet
Hal Hostetler, CPBE --
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP- Print /Imaging -- WA7BGX -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Still Cadillacin' -
Marc Rothman wrote in message
I have had no problem sending e-mails for years. Then, I tried to
send one with several large attached files and Outlook froze. Since
then I can only receive and can't send. I use comcast as my ISP and
port 25 through which to connect to the smtp server. No changes were
made prior to this problem and all settings check out correct. When I
now run a test, I can not connect to the SMTP server and can not send
a test e-mail. I have generated an OPMLOG file, but it doesn't make
any sense to me. The only other potential change to my system was a
recent office update (automatic) from microsoft. Could the issue be
an operating system one? (Windows XP) I do not believe that my
antivirus software or firewall is an issue as things have always
worked with them on. I have shut them down, however, and still get
the same unable to connect with SMTP sever errors. I have read many
of the previous posts with connectivity problems. Any new information
out there? Is there indeed a solution? Is it safe to post my OPMLOG?
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