OE6 locks during downloads
I'm stumped and need some direction. I am running XP Home SR 2 and IE7. It's
a new install on a new Core 2 computer which I built.
Outlook Express and the newsgroups work fine except when emails are
downloading. Then everything locks up until the mail is finished with it's
download at which point everything returns to normal.
This also was happening before I downloaded IE 7.0.
My previous computer, started as XP Home and gradually was upgraded over the
years to SR-2 through the update process. On that unit mail would download
but would not interrupt my ability to create emails simultaneously.
Can anyone tell me what the problem might be? I have Norton Anti-Virus with
email scanning turned off. I have the XP firewall enabled but the problem
persists whether or not the firewall is enabled.
I thought I would check in here before contacting MS tech support.
Thanks for any advice you can offer.
George R. Thompson