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Old December 23rd 06, 04:47 PM posted to
Frank Slootweg
external usenet poster
Posts: 85
Default utilising Two hard drives

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM wrote:

Be very careful that the folder exists before telling OE to change. If you
click Tools | Options | Maintenance | Store Folder | Change and tell it to
change to D:\OE-Data and you have not already created D:\OE-Data then you
will lose all saved messages.

Good advice, but IMO it would be better to instruct people to *browse*
(by clicking the "Change..." button) to the new directory, i.e. *not*
*type* its name in the box. If they browse, the mentioned (message-loss)
problem can't occur.

Another minor nit: AFAIK, it's actually "then you will lose all saved
messages as soon as you exit an restart OE", because the move will not
occur until OE is restarted. But it's probably best not to confuse
people with these details.