Well, I should have paid more attention to a proper method to backup my IE6
stuff. I did in fact save the store folders in the identity files- several
were there including one for each of several old email addresses and one set
up just for newsgroups.
At first I thought I could just drop them all into the freshly formatted
hard drive's location for the identities for IE 6- but that didn't work. So,
I created new identities, then copied all the files in the old identities
into the new identity's folder. This worked fine accept for the newsgroups.
I had printed out
http://www.insideoe.com/backup/ some months ago and on
that print out I see that newsgroups can't be imported. I see that currently
at that URL, a new clone method is available.
So, yuh, when I tried copying newsgroup files from that identity into a new
identify, the appeared to copy over, at first, but can't be seen in the new
identify, then they vanish from the window showing the files in the new
At this point, is there any easy way to restore my long list of newsgroups?
It's not that big a deal, I can simply resubscribe one at a time, but I had
subscribed to several dozen.
Thanks to Tom Koch for his web site.